E.1 Design of the logo, corporate image and implementation of the communication plan

Compilation of the main innovative financing mechanisms, incentives and contractual mechanisms

E.2 General outreach for the project

Outreach leaflet for the project ESP-CAT / ANG-FR

Installation of information panels

Creation and maintenance of the website

Editing of informative and promotional materials for the project


Layman’s report

E.3 Networking and exchange activities with other projects and organisations


First Networking trip to exchange experiences


Networking report

E.4 Promoting replicability and transfer of innovative management models

Creation of a new Transfer Classroom

Biodiversity module of the Transfer Classroom software


Third transfer meeting


Fourth transfer meeting


First specialisation course taken


Second specialisation course taken


Final seminar of the project

E.5 Communication and dissemination in the media  https://lifebiorgest.eu/blog/

E.6 Preparation of technical articles and presentation of the project at technical conferences and congresses

Articles in technical journals

Writing of scientific articles

Participation in conferences

Participation in national and international technical congresses

E.7 Editing of technical documents for transfer


Files related to IBPC v3.0


A simple guide to assessing the conservation status of Mediterranean forest habitats


A comprehensive guide to assessing the conservation status of Mediterranean forest habitats


Handbook of recommendations and technical measures for improving the biodiversity of Mediterranean forests. Integration into forestry planning and management


Handbook of biodiversity conservation success stories in Mediterranean forests


Compilation guide to innovative funding and incentive tools for integrating biodiversity conservation into forest management and implementation recommendations


Handbook of recommendations for signing agreements with forest landowners for biodiversity improvement actions

E.8 Editing of an informative video